Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Living Through a Shift

par·a·digm (pr-dm, -dm)
1. One that serves as a pattern or model.
2. A set or list of all the inflectional forms of a word or of one of its grammatical categories: the paradigm of an irregular verb.
3. A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline from:

I admired my grandmother (who lived to be 93) for weathering all the changes in her life. Born in 1906, she saw the car become the major mode of transportation, landing on the moon, the birth of television, cell phones, internet.... While she didn't OWN a cell phone or computer, she was interested in learning about them. I couldn't imagine how all that change could affect one's life. And then I realized that I am living through a similar change.
When I was I'm REALLY going to date myself.... my sister and I would get up early (6am-ish) and turn on the small black and white TV set with the slightly bulgy screen to find.... white hissy snow. That would last for about 45 minutes until the test pattern and a loud humming-sort-of noise would follow. We would eagerly stop building forts with the couch pillows and plunk ourselves in front of the box to wait for the start of 7am. And then... the Texas Rangers - in black and white of course - would come on. I remember when Disney brought COLOR to TV and the Disney castle would be all colorful and magical. But there were still only a handful of channels and TV programming ended late at night (WAY past my bedtime) when it started snowing on the screen. Now, we have HUNDREDS of channels (the programming isn't much better) and it is ALWAYS in color and there is programming ALL night long. And that is a major change in the "good old days". And it slipped up on me with no noticeable effect. So, are paradigm shifts REALLY such a big deal? Did my grandmother even NOTICE all the changes that were occurring in her lifetime?
I have been feeling so progressive and superior about all the changes Mark and I are making in our new life in NoCal. I like to think of them as paradigm shifts because that sounds intellectual and progressive. But maybe they aren't. Maybe they are just sensible choices that an educated person who understands her place in the ecosystem would make (now THAT sounds superior!). We have changed our ideas about getting around... we have 1 car, Mark bikes to work and walks/bikes most other places, I own a bike and use it sometimes (well, I never said I was perfect), and we use public transportation more. If you don't count trips for business where we drove, I have only filled the gas tank twice in 2 months. That is a change from my Maine lifestyle. And I have not purchased any books but used the library and web for information and reading material. We recycle more - but it helps that San Jose makes it easy. So what is so shift-y about my new lifestyle? Maybe it isn't behavior, but a way of thinking. I am amazed at how easily my children can text on those itty bitty keys that are hard to see let alone punch. One daughter receives over 2000 text messages/month (I know because I pay the bills). AND she can text WITHOUT LOOKING! So, to be more progressive, I have tried to text more.... it is still a challenge. And I want to learn about the picture thing too. While at the Museum of Contemporary Art in LA, I noticed a group of teens enjoying a Bruce Nauman installation using TVs and closed circuit cameras. They were posing in front of the cameras and friends were taking cell phone pics of the image on the TV. And have you noticed..... ALL the coffee places - the Starbucks and wannabees - have WiFi (another new term) and EVERYONE has their laptop out and is VERY busy doing something on it. I never took my laptop out of the house. But now I will.... once I find/design a great bag to carry it in (always fashion forward!). And when I have a question, I go to the internet - not the reference books I kept in my bookcase. So I guess I am being progressive and..... what the Hell! I can even say I'm shifting.... it sounds so superior.

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