Friday, January 29, 2010

Danger in NoCal...

Knowledge is power. So I am collecting as much knowledge as I can so I'll be ready. I'm talking about living near the Hellmouth. Now, you are probably wondering what I'm talking about. Well, let me start at the beginning..... My quilting buddie Julie and I both love Buffy, The Vampire Slayer. In fact, she has ALL the seasons (AND the Angel series too!) on DVD. When we realized we had this in common, she loaned me Season 3 and 4 (I own Season 1 and 2). I thought I had watched all of season 1. But no. So yesterday, I had a Buffy marathon and got through ALL of season 1 and MOST of season 2...... that's HOURS of vampire slaying. I was exhausted. I became a fan when Buffy first came out in 1997. My children were 17, 12, 10 and 8..... just the right age to tease me MERCILESSLY for watching that show. So, I gave in to peer pressure and stopped watching it. But now I am home alone all day and can indulge my fantasies WITHOUT comments from the peanut gallery. And so, the Buffy marathon. Buffy is a teenager who has amazing strength and is able to lift her leg REALLY high to KICK vampires to death - or at least knock them down - so she can then stab them with a stake and they turn to dust. She has this job because she lives in a town that is located on the Hellmouth where all these demons and vampires live. And that town is Sunnydale in California. Now, we all know that the TV networks have to change the names of the REAL towns/people to protect the innocent. And I do live VERY NEAR to a town with a name almost like SunnyDALE........ SunnyVALE. So, while I am not ON the Hellmouth, I'm sure that I am close. After all, both towns ARE in CA.
What have I learned so far? That I am glad I am NOT a teenager anymore..... the teen angst (popularity, clothes, homework, BOYS) is a good thing to leave in the past. Once through is enough. But I am learning great new phrases like "It uber sucks." And that you should NOT go to frat parties - especially ones with scary basements. And it only takes ONE drink to get you in trouble. But all that great knowledge isn't going to protect me from the vampires that are SURE to wander out of Sunnyvale/dale and find my neighborhood. So I have been stretching and practicing kicking my leg VERY high - especially while standing sideways and holding my hands in fists close to my chest. And then, when I've mastered that, I'll add the "spin and roll" part. But I'm not there yet. I will need some more Ibuprofen before I get there.....

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the photos you will post of yourself doing the high kick with a spin & roll! Brr from N.Y.- ME 9.8 degrees & windy, don't you miss it?
