Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hard Lessons in Downsizing or How the Elderly Learn Slowly

Before I forget, let me inform all of you non-Californians that, according to a local, Winter has arrived. How do the NoCals know? We have "Weather"....... That means that we have something OTHER than sun and 70's. The "Weather" that we are having is..... get this.....WIND. Yes, I know, I know. For those of us used to the Antarctica winters of New England WIND isn't weather. But here when it is quite breezy with gusts UP TO 45 MPH.... that is "Weather". Mark even wore his long bike pants in today because it was cold..... low 50's!!! What can I say?
So now the next chapter in Downsizing. It is hard to break old habits. As I mentioned, I ordered coffee so I wouldn't have to give up my New England fru-fru Hazelnut Eight O'Clock brand (not found out here). And yes, I did go over a bit...... well, a 23 lb package might be more than A BIT. But I'm learning after all. But at breakfast this morning I was trying to explain to Mark why I thought grocery shopping only once/week was a good idea - I would be forced to be creative with what I had in the house and not end up with big hunks of frost-bitten mystery food in the rather small freezer (not to mention millions of little bits of things in jars in the refrigerator). Mark didn't get it. And then he kindly pointed out that I really didn't NEED to get that second GALLON of milk LAST week when we still had more than half a gallon left. And I kindly pointed out that the reason I had to stay home today was to sign for ANOTHER shipment of wine....... And just so you don't think that I am being picky and spiteful, let me SHOW you another area where my geekman hasn't quite learned to downsize........ remotes. Yes, check out the attached pic and COUNT the remotes.... there are 7. And that is just the ones we NEED for our system. The ones we don't need were packed up and returned to the garage. So I rest my case. We both have more to learn about downsizing. Habits that have been carefully cultivated over many years are hard to break. So I will do laundry (yes, I have to battle the Miele monster again), plant seeds (yes, we can still plant cool weather crops) and wait for our excesses to arrive....... then I'll go to the grocery store for the second time this week. Oh well......

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